We Lucked Out When Rick Joined Our Team!

Meaghan Steele Swanson • March 16, 2022

Our Regional Sales Manager (and favorite special guest blogger) Craig Gravatte had a lot to say about why Lady Luck was in our corner when Rick McRight joined SLP.

“As a customer, you may be used to receiving your orders from SLP; but, did you ever wonder how they got to you?

The answer is Rick McRight – SLP’s Shipping Manager and obviously the rest of his team too.

For 35 years, Rick has been in charge of getting SLP’s product to you in a timely fashion. Rick has dealt with hurricanes, floods and snowstorms throughout the US and abroad. Not to mention factory moves, expansions and increased volumes over the years. He ships domestically and internationally. I can’t even imagine dealing LTL, TL, prepaid/add, collect, air, 20’ or 40’ cubes, NAFTA, and all those freight classes!!! Rick has battled with the carriers when there is damage and found new carriers when others couldn’t deliver service. He’s gotten rush shipments out, even when shipping was having a bad day at SLP. Rick is just as much a part of customer service as any one of us who are on the ‘front lines’ at SLP. SLP wouldn’t know what to do without Rick McRight and the rest of his team. Now you know a little bit about him and what he does too! Thanks Rick!”

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