2022 has been the best year, by far, that I’ve experienced at SLP.
So many changes this year! So much work to do! It’s been absolutely frenetic; but, it’s been the good kind of frenzy if you know what I mean.
You can’t look anywhere around here and not see positive changes taking place.
As a QM you tend to see a lot of negative. Heck, it not a stretch to say people almost stand in line to bring you something bad, whether it’s defective parts or failed processes. It just comes with territory…obviously…always has. Kinda like watching the evening news every night. I stopped doing that years ago.
The result can be that keeping a positive outlook can be a battle if you don’t watch it.
Never has the battle been easier than it has in 2022. Everywhere you look around here there is evidence of positive change, “continuous improvement,” if you want to use ISO terms :-).
Work is fun again!
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