Quickly tell if a lens is Acrylic or Polycarbonate.
The fastest way to identify the material of an SLP lens is to look for an “A” for acrylic or a “P” for polycarbonate identifier on the ends of the lens. SLP Lighting is a custom molder so we used our capabilities and to mold in the letter identifiers to our enclosure lenses.
Some lenses may only be made out of one material and not have this identifier, sometimes the color of the frosted material or dirt can make reading the marker difficult. When you find yourself in this situation and your needing to quickly identify a lens, try this little trick.
Flick the lens. Acrylic will have a “thud” sound and polycarbonate will have a “ting” sound.
Discover innovative, high-quality lighting solutions tailored to your needs. From modern LED fixtures to durable weatherproof enclosures, SLP Lighting is your trusted partner in illuminating any space with precision and style.